What does Open Data mean for Leeds?
Published on behalf of Sandip Ghattaure, Leeds Data Mill With decreasing resources and funds, we have to evolve. Publishing data on a shared platform for an »
Published on behalf of Sandip Ghattaure, Leeds Data Mill With decreasing resources and funds, we have to evolve. Publishing data on a shared platform for an »
We have just released a new feature for our dataset pages: a thematic map or ' choropleth [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Choropleth_map]', illustrating »
The consultation on proposals for updating the English Indices of Deprivation is now open until 19th December - for more details follow this link English Indices »
Published on behalf of Simon Roberts We know that you, our users, prefer our data when it can be easily visualised and mapped - our deprivation »
In another pioneering move from OpenDataCommunities, we’re pleased to launch a new mapping app [http://dclgapps.communities.gov.uk/npcu] for the National Planning Casework »