Updates to Energy Performance Certificate open data

Just over two years ago, we published Energy Performance of Buildings (EPB) data as an open dataset, along with tools for browsing, searching and downloading the data. The three datasets (Domestic, Non-domestic and Display Energy Certificates) have been well-used, and have stimulated discussion throughout the open data community, and beyond. We have now updated those datasets, so the site currently contains energy performance data up to 31 May 2019. You can access the new data at https://epc.opendatacommunities.org/

Changes to the API

As well as refreshing the data, we've made some changes to the API. This blog post explains the detail behind the changes, but in summary, the LMK_KEY field has changed since the data was first published. This field is now guaranteed to be unique across all three datasets, and the API now uses the LMK_KEY field as the unique identifier for the certificates in the app's URLs, the APIs and the downloads. This field will remain consistent across future updates. This renders the CERTIFICATE_HASH field obsolete, so this has now been removed from the datasets.

How often will MHCLG be publishing the data?

MHCLG will process and publish EPB data on a regular basis. The intention is to move to dynamic data updates over time, but initially publication will be two to four times a year.


In the meantime, if you make use of the data, we'd love to hear about it. Equally, if you have any questions or suggestions about the site or the data, please feel free to contact us by emailing ODC@communities.gov.uk.