We’re replacing some tools with new capability ...

When we upgrade OpenDataCommunits to the latest version of the PublishMyData platform there are some tools we’ll retire and replace with the general features of the latest version.

Which tools are being retired?

Local Authority Dashboard - http://apps.opendatacommunities.org/showcase/dashboard
Business plan dashboard - http://dclgapps.communities.gov.uk/indicators/
Wellbeing map explorer - http://apps.opendatacommunities.org/showcase/wellbeing
2010 Deprivation Map Explorer - http://apps.opendatacommunities.org/showcase/deprivation
Spreadsheet Builder -
Geo Selector -

We’re also removing all of the deprecated datasets, they’ve been deprecated for quite a time and where it’s been needed we have provided an updated version of the dataset.

Why are we doing this?

PMD 2.9 offers some significant improvements and provides generic capabilities to bring data together for analysis, viewing and use. This capability will give you more flexibility and will allow customization through the improved tools such as Data Cart and the enhanced mapping and chart facilities.

What are the new tools and features?

The top three improvements that standout are

Geographic browsing

You can browse by geographic areas contained in OpenDataCommunities and find out key statistics about the area as well a list of datasets containing data about that area and the geographies in that area. It’s like the Local Authority Dashboard but applied to any geographic area linked to data. You can explore the key statistics about the area and view charts relating to the data.


Datacart allows you to create custom datasets and analyse them, view them or download them, it’s a very simple process to select the data you want and download it into a csv file you can open in Excel.

Mapping feature

For example you can go to the Indices of Multiple Deprivation and select your dimensions to view the indices on a map. The mapping feature is dependent on the types of data you select/

Bringing it all together

We want to support both organisations and developers who need to get at the data for their products, research , analysis or tools. We also want to make the data as accessible and user friendly as we can for the causal observer or non technical audience.

We will continue to develop the usability and features with a firm focus on the user and sustainability of the data.

If you do have any feedback please do get in touch at ODC@communities.gsi.gov.uk